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Ulrike Hövelmann
Scientific Study Advisor

Ulrike is your contact partner, among others, for the following areas:

  • Diabetes Knowledge
  • Clinical Trial Knowledge
  • Bioequivalence
  • Biosimilars

Short Bio

Ulrike is a physician and has more than 12 years expertise in clinical research in diabetes with a background in clinical care for more than 9 years. At Profil she is appointed as a Scientific Study Advisor. Ulrike joined Profil in 2003. She has been Principle Investigator for several early clinical phase studies, in particular pharmacodynamic/ pharmacokinetic assessments executed with glucose clamp technique. 

Ulrike is an active member of the professional diabetes organisation EASD. She is a regular reviewer for Diabetes, Obesity and Metabolism. 


Here are Ulrikes's recent publications:

Browse Profil's list of publications to see our other publications.


Selected Achievements and Work Experience

2013 -

Scientific Study Advisor at Profil

2011- 2013 

Head Research Physician at Profil

2008 - 2011

Senior Research Physician at Profil


Joined Profil


Board certification in Anaesthesiology and Intensive Care Medicine and Qualification in Emergency Medicine

1994 - 2002 

Intern and Anaesthesiologist (St. Josefs´ Hospital, Hilden and Marien -Hospital, Düsseldorf, Germany)