On-demand Online Seminar
Click here to watch our latest online seminar, titled:
"MASH Pharmacotherapy - On the Brink of a New Era"
by Dr. Hans de Vries.
Click here to watch our latest online seminar, titled:
"MASH Pharmacotherapy - On the Brink of a New Era"
by Dr. Hans de Vries.
Are you planning a clinical trial? Meet us in San Francisco, CA, USA, at the EBD Biotech Showcase 2025 in January to discuss next steps.
Learn about the next-generation glucose clamp technology that makes Profil the world's leading glucose clamp site.
Profil has a dedicated department for clinical trials of diabetes-related medical devices.
Profil is the partner of choice for clinical studies of
diabetes treatments.
As a full-service CRO for early clinical trials in diabetes and obesity, Profil has brought together regulatory and scientific experts so that we can offer you unrivalled service. We focus that expertise on developing sophisticated experimental methods, optimizing study designs, and delivering critical answers for further compound development.
Profil began life as a spin-off of an academic study group at the Department of Metabolic Diseases and Nutrition at the University of Düsseldorf. Our founders wished to create a dedicated CRO that would address the challenges of diabetes and obesity research and treatment. The company’s achievements are testament to that vision.
Over the years, we have implemented numerous sophisticated methods for pharmacodynamic characterization of the effects of compounds in early phase trials, and we have been involved in the development of all the currently available major anti-diabetic compounds. Our key competence is the performance of glucose clamp studies, often combined with isotope dilution techniques and muscle or fat biopsies.
![]() ISO 13485:2016
![]() ISO 9001:2015
Leohr J. et al., 2020. Pharmacokinetics and Glucodynamics of Ultra Rapid Lispro (URLi) versus Humalog ® (Lispro) in Patients with Type 2 Diabetes Mellitus: A Phase I Randomised, Crossover Study, Clinical Pharmacokinetics, Dec; 59 (12): 1601-1610 (2020)