
Renowned and highly specialized scientists

A group of renowned and highly specialized scientists form the core of Profil. Divided into several teams, they specialize in each of our focus areas of diabetes- and obesity-related medication and technology. Our scientists are dedicated to improving the diagnosis, treatment and quality of life for people suffering from diabetes and obesity.

Furthermore, our R&D and Science and Innovation departments ensure that our expertise on clinical research and healthcare innovation develop continuously, thereby contributing to the most optimal outcome for our clients.

Read about our leading scientists and their teams.


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Dr. Grit Andersen

Director Clinical Pharmacology

Grit is a board certified medical specialist in clinical pharmacology and has been with Profil for several years and among other responsibilities she is running the specialization program in clinical pharmacology for medical doctors.
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Dr. Sabine Arnolds

Dr. Sabine Arnolds

Business Development Manager

Sabine has worked in diabetes for more than 20 years with a background in both academia and 9 years pharmaceutical industry. She has been Principal Investigator for clamp trials and the artifical pancreas trials (AP@Home). Currently she is also building a network with diabetologists and GP practices. 
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Dr. Carsten Benesch

Director Technical Development

Carsten is a physicist in the field of nano-structured surfaces on condensed matter and has long-term experience in hardware and software development of medical devices. At Profil he is the Director of Technical Development and manager of the AP@home EU project.
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Dr. Hans de Vries

Lead Scientist

Dr. de Vries obtained board licenses in Internal Medicine and Endocrinology at the VU University Medical Centre, Amsterdam. He was a professor of Internal Medicine at the University of Amsterdam's Faculty of Medicine from 2016 until 2023. 
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Dr. Susanne Famulla

Scientific Study Advisor

Susanne started her career as scientist in the field of diabetes more than 10 years ago with a PhD program at the German Diabetes Center. She has a special focus on type 1 diabetes and its treatment.
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Patrick Fischer

Scientific Study Advisor

Patrick is a physician with several years of clinical experience in the field of internal medicine and joined Profil in 2021. He is a board certified medical specialist in internal medicine and cardiology.
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Dr. Tim Heise

Lead Scientist

Tim has over 25 years of experience in clinical research and care in diabetes and obesity. He has published >250 scientific papers and reviews focussing on the pharmacology of insulin and anti-diabetic drugs. He is on the Editorial Board for Diabetes, Obesity and Metabolism.
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Dr. Theresa Herbrand

Research Physician / Scientific Study Advisor

Theresa started at Profil as a research physician in 2015 and joined the Project Development team shortly after. She is involved in designing and conducting clinical trials using both her medical as well as clinical trials background.
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Ulrike Hövelmann

Scientific Study Advisor

Ulrike has many years of experience in the clinical setting at Profil and now uses this expertise in the project development team to drive project excellence.
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Oliver Klein

Scientific Study Advisor

Oliver has several years of clinical experience and combines this with his scientific accumen to optimize the study design for novel antidiabetic drug developments.
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Dr. Daniela Lamers

Nutritional Science Specialist

Daniela has more than 10 years of experience in the field of diabetes and obesity, starting her academic education with her PhD programme at the German Diabetes Center in Düsseldorf. In the project development team at Profil she focusses on studies treating obesity as well as food / food supplement studies.
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Prof. Dr. Leona Plum-Mörschel

Chief Executive Officer

Leona has profound expertise in the field of obesity, diabetes, and metabolism. She has a strong research background in academia and industry with particular know-how in basic science of molecular endocrinology and energy metabolism.
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Dr. Marc Stoffel

Scientific Study Advisor

Marc is a physician specialized in clinical pharmacology with more than 10 years of experience in early drug development. He is our expert for drug-drug interactions and membrane transport proteins.
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Dr. Eric Zijlstra

Executive Project Director

Eric is a clinical research specialist and is well-known for his scientific contributions to international meetings and diabetes journals. His main expertise lies in the field of diabetes technology and alternative route administrations of insulin.
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