Watch our job videos below. Then learn more about the positions we are currently looking to fill. Or find out how the application process usually works at Profil.
At our site in Neuss we have a state of the art clinic with 60 beds in operation, where we perform clinical studies throughout the whole year and in which research physicians and study nurses (see video below) take care of the trial volunteers. The preparation and execution of a study is conducted by highly qualified project management teams, which are composed of the leading project managers as well as clinical research associates and reasearch assistants.
Data gained in this way is reviewed and processed by clinical data managers and is evaluated by statisticians afterwards. Subsequently, medical writers prepare the study reports. Software engineers and IT take care of the hard- and software environment tailored to our particular needs. All processes are supported by our quality assurance and quality controlling department.
Profil set itself apart as a CRO not only by the specialisation in the range of diabetes, adiposity and metabolic diseases but also by the scientific expertise in these fields. Our scientists present study results at regular international congresses in Europe and the US as well as in many peer-reviewed publications in scientific journals. In addition we have got a training authorisation in the field of clinical pharmacology. We offer medical doctors and scientists highly interesting tasks and fields of scientific research in the areas outlined on this website.
Due to the constant growth of our company you might find further job opportunities in our finance & administration, scientific communication and regulatory affairs departments.
Find out more about the job of a research physician at Profil.
Watch the video to learn more about the job of a study nurse at Profil.
Watch the video to learn about the job of a data manager at Profil.
![]() ISO 13485:2016
![]() ISO 9001:2015
Kapitza, C. et al. 2021. A single-dose euglycaemic clamp study in two cohorts to compare the exposure of SAR341402 (insulin aspart) Mix 70/30 with US- and European-approved versions of insulin aspart Mix 70/30 and SAR341402 rapid-acting solution in subjects with type 1 diabetes. Diabetes Obes Metab. 2021 Mar;23(3):674-681.